Unutarnja Migracija

Skills: Duplex 2012-2025


Artists : Goran Dragaš, Vladimir Frelih, Branislav Nikolić, Ana Petrović, Jovana Popić, Selman Trtovac and Dragan Vojvodić

Exhibition of the artists Goran Dragaš, Vladimir Frelih, Branislav Nikolić, Ana Petrović, Jovana Popić, Selman Trtovac and Dragan Vojvodić, entitled « Inner migration » in the gallery Duplex 100m2 in Sarajevo, from 13th to 22th of February 2016 includes the presentation of different artistic positions, through different visual languages and different media. All artists have something in common, they were faced with the issue of migration, in the broadest sense of the word.

All exhibitors are closely related to the topic of migration as they used to live (or are currently living) outside of their home country. This exhibition, however, is not all about migration in a physical sense. Moreover, migration of these artists, in addition to the physical nature of migration, includes cultural changes and spreads their artistic experience of the world. Artists point out that their migration is above all an « inner migration ». No changes that somebody experiences while « on the way », while searching, can leave a permanent trace without finding a firm anchorage inside of that person. A fundamental migration results in a deep change of human identity, which can be expressed more or less intense, but it confirms the universality of human being, and cultural dependence on the environment in which it resides. Within this joint exhibition the artists want to show how deep they are affected by the circumstances of « migrations » in their lives. They explore the relationship between the inner and the external (physical) migration and want to show how important and necessary the migration experience is in order to deal with art, but also to live.

The beginning of this particular dialogue lies in the fact that in the long history of modern art, from the early 20th century to the present day there was always cooperation and co-existence of many artist emigrants from the former Yugoslavia in France, Austria, Italy , Germany etc. For these people physical migration was usually a small issue compared to those inner dramas that they had experienced. After the first migration in a certain direction artists have often returned to the place from where it started, for various reasons, and this was again some new migration, re-migration. It could be said that the artist are in constant migration, inner or external.

The idea for this exhibition, as well as for the exhibition in the gallery Popup in Osijek (April 2015), arose from the artistic dialogue of the two artists Vladimir Frelih and Selman Trtovac. During the 1990s they studied at the Academy of Arts in Dusseldorf at the same time, Frelih in the artistic class of Nam Jun Paik, later by Magdalene Jetelova, and Trtovac in the class of Klaus Rinke. They cooperated closely not only in the field of art but they often worked together as manual workers to be able to finance their stay in Germany. After they’d finished their studies, their paths diverged, but they met again after 15 years, when they re-started their artistic dialogue and cooperation. Both of them were aware of a common cultural space, the drama through which the people of the former Yugoslavia passed and the need to re-examine many important artistic issues in the arts, and beyond.

Belgrade, February 2016

Dragan Vojvodić, « Suprematiscka transmisija art action », Sarajevo, 2016

Vladimir Frelih

Born in Osijek in 1963, studied Sculpture/Installations at Kunstakademie Düsseldorf (Germany). His tutors were Professors Hoover, Paik and Jetelova. He became a Master Grade student in 2001 and attended tutorial classes by Professor Jetelova. 2008 Multimedia Lecturer at the Osijek Academy of Fine Arts and leader at the Department of Art. From 1994 his work has been shown nationally and internationally at exhibitions and events. He uses a variety of art media and techniques with reference to their structural faults and advantages. His artwork has received a number of awards and scholarships and is on display in several contemporary art collections and museums. Currently based in Osijek and Düsseldorf.

Goran Dragaš

Goran Dragaš was born in 1972 in Sisak, Republic of Croatia. Graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade at the Department of Painting in 2005.He won his master degree at the same Faculty on the Department of Graphics. He is active on the art scene from 2004 since when he has exhibited in group and solo exhibitions in the country and abroad. His works are part of the Collection of the Museum of the City of Belgrada and other private collections. He is one of the founder and member of the art collective Prototip within which he opened the gallery Prototip. Dragaš is living and working in Belgrade.

Ana Petrović

Ana Petrović, rođena je 1985. godine u Bjelovaru. 2011. diplomirala je na Umjetničkoj akademiji Osijek. Od iste godine je asistentica iz umjetničkog područja, umjetničkog polja likovne umjetnosti, umjetnička grana animirani film i novi mediji UAOS.  Suosnivačica je umjetničke organizacije POPUP koji djeluje od 2012. kojemu je cilj proširiti svijest o suvremenoj umjetnosti u alternativnim izlagačkim prostorima. Živi i radi u Osijeku.
Ana Petrović, born in 1985 in Bjelovar, Croatia. Graduated 2011th on the Art Academy in Osijek. From the same year is an assistant for the courses Video and Film and Photography, at Art Academy in Osijek. Co-founder of the art organization POPUP that operates since 2012, with the aim to broaden awareness of contemporary art in alternative exhibiting venues. Works and lives in Osijek.

Dragan Vojvodić

A multimedia artist Dragan Vojvodić, who started his studies at the Academy of Art in Sarajevo and graduated in Novi Sad, uses different existential situations, as well as communication with different characters and occurrences in the world of contemporary art as the basic for his own artistic practice. Vojvodić did a significant part of his artistic practice in Scandinavia, where he had solo exhibitions (Rogaland Kunstsenter, Stavanger, Norway, 2015; Konstepidemin, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2014; USF Verftet, Bergen, Norway, 2014; Titanik gallery, Turku, Finland, 2008; Erro Nelimarka museum, Alajarvi, Finland, 2009; SIM house, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2006, etc).
He also exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina in Novi Sad, 2007; at the Gallery Ozone in Belgrade 2010; Graphic Collective gallery in Belgrade 2015; he represented his country at exhibitions in France, Iceland, Austria, Germany, Japan, Hungary, Bosnia and Hercegovina and Croatia; he participated at October Salon in Belgrade in 2009 and 2013, at Mikser festival in Belgrade in 2010, at the retrospective exhibition of art in Vojvodina 1914-2014 titled Premonition/ Blood/ Hope at the museum Künstlerhaus in Vienna, Austria (2014/2015). He has participated at international festivals of performance in Croatia, Hungary and Italy. He has also participated in residential projects in the United States, France, Spain, Portugal, Iceland, Finland, Sweden and Norway. He lives and works in Novi Sad, Serbia.

Branislav Nikolić

Branislav Nikolić (http://branislavnikolic.net/), born 1970 in Šabac, Serbia. 1991/1995 Studied at academy of Fine Arts in Novi Sad, Serbia. 1997/2002 MFA studies at The Academy of Fine Arts in Novi Sad, Serbia. 1998/2001 MFA studies at The Dutch Art Institute, Enschede, The Netherlands. 1997/1998 Teaches at School for Artistic Crafts in Šabac, Serbia. Member of Visual Artists Association of Serbia (ULUS) since 1995. Member of international artistic group New Remote and of independent art association Kolektiv. Together with Kosta Bogdanović and Rajka Bošković wrote textbooks for Visual Atrs 1, 2, 3 and 4 for first four grades of elementary school. Selector of the Jalovik Art Colony since 2002. Presently working as an art editor and designer.

Jovana Popić

Jovana Popić (*1977, CRO-RS) began her formal art studies at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade under the Serbian State Scholarship for Science and Art Talents. In 2006, she received the Friedrich Naumann Foundation Scholarship and later the President’s Prize toward her master’s degree under Rebecca Horn at the Universität der Künste-Berlin. Other awards include the award of Ulrich and Burga Knispel Foundation, grants of the Karl Hofer Gesellschaft e.V. and the United Kingdom of Norway, and various artist residencies. Popić has exhibited her work in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Greece, Italy, Hungary, Poland, the United States, Japan, Russia, Serbia and Croatia. She presently lives in Berlin.
Jovana Popić započela je svoje formalne umetničke studije na Fakultetu likovnih umetnosti u Beogradu sa stipendijom za Talente u umetnosti i nauci države Srbije. 2006. godine dobila je stipendiju «Friedrich Naumann Fondacije»  a potom 2009. i «Preis des Präsidenten», povodom njene diplomske izložbe u klasi Rebecce Horn na Univerzitetu likovnih umetnosti u Berlinu. Druga priznanja uključuju nagradu Ulrich und Burga Knispel Fondacije, stipendije Karl Hofer Gesellschaft e.V. i Kraljevine Norveške, kao i razne umetničke rezidencije. Jovana Popić je izlagala u Nemačkoj, Austriji, Italiji, Švajcarskoj, Grčkoj, Mađarskoj, Poljskoj, Japanu, Sjedinjenim Državama, Rusiji, Srbiji i Hrvatskoj. Trenutno živi i radi u Berlinu.

Selman Trtovac

Selman Trtovac, rođen 1970. u Zadru, SFR Jugoslavija. Od 1990. do 1993. godine je studirao slikarstvo na Fakultetu likovnih umetnosti u Beogradu. Na vajarski odsek Umetničke akademije u Dizeldorfu prešao je 1993. godine, i to u klasu prof. Klausa Rinkea, gdje je 1997. godine proglašen za majstora umetnosti. Član IKG-a (Internacionalni umetnički gremijum) je postao 2003. godine. Kreator je i pokretač Umetničkog centra Univerzitetske biblioteke “Svetozar Marković”, gde je od 2008. do 2012. godine je uređivao umetnički program. Kreator, inicijator i suosnivač Nezavisne umjetničke asocijacije Treći Beograd (www.trecibeograd.com). Kreator i osnivač Istraživačke stanice za savremenu umetnost Perpetuum Mobile. Doktorirao je 2012. godine na odseku za skulpturu Fakulteta likovnih umetnosti u Beogradu. Izlagao je na mnogobrojnim samostalnim i grupnim izložbama u zemlji i inostranstvu. Živi i radi u Beogradu.