To Forget Kills
Andrej Ðerković « To Forget Kills », 2005-2015, in-situ installation on the facade of Duplex100m2 on Obala Kulina Bana 22
On July 11, 2015, will be tenth anniversary of the premiere exhibitions of artistic work « To forget kills. » by sarajevan artist Andrej Ðerković. On this occasion and in order to commemorate 20th anniversary of Srebrenica’s tragedy, Duplex 100m2 in collaboration with the author, has set this work on the facade of the gallery. The work was premierly shown simultaneously on July 11th 2005 in Sarajevo and London as part of the official celebration of the tenth anniversary of the fall of Srebrenica. In the past decade, the work is presented in museums, galleries and public spaces of cities such as Amsterdam, Zagreb, Geneva, Antwerp, Marseille, Barcelona, Dubrovnik, Banja Luka, Mostar, Istanbul, Vukovar, Ljubljana, Nikšić, Split, Belgrade, Skopje Bratislava, Podgorica, Vienna, San Marino, Hamburg, Lagos, Athens, Trieste, Paris and Beirut.
The work « To forget kills » was created in 2005 on 10th anniversary of the fall of Srebrenica, and from lack of serious thinking about our past. It is also a reaction to the aggressive campaign against smoking (which in some countries is prescribed in legislation), at the present time when the word death becomes a very common word in the journalists vocabulary. On the box of Sarajevo most popular cigarettes DRINA, instead of the label « Smoking kills » (which in Bosnia and Herzegovina is legally mandatory only since 2011), is an indication of « To forget kills. ». The work was produced in collaboration with the Tobacco Factory Sarajevo (FDS), signed by the author and the association « Mothers of Srebrenica and Žepa enclaves » and numbered in a limited edition of 001 to 800. It is dedicated to those who think that smoking kills more than the human mind, and us who think that they do not think so.
The work was presented in the exhibition « 8372 did not come » which in 2007, received the « Award Ivo Kalina » for best art exhibition in the field of contemporary art held during the year in galleries and public spaces in the city of Rijeka.
At the invitation of art historian and curator Bojana Pejić, work was selected in 2008 for 49th October Salon in Belgrade. On the occasion of very significant collective exhibition of prominent Bosnian artists « Memory Lane », which in June 2014 in Paris « galerie du jour – agnès b. » was organized by art critic Pierre Courtin, Andrej Ðerković and « galerie du jour – agnès b. », jointly published an limited edition of 300 copies of Ðerković’s work « To forget kills. ».
The work is in the collections of FAD Foment de les Arts i del Disseny (Barcelona), galerie du jour – agnès b. (Paris), The Museum of Innocence (Istanbul), Future Heritage Collection (Sarajevo / Graz) and Collection10m2 (Sarajevo).
- Athens, 2014
- Paris, 2014
- Istanbul, 2014
- San Marino, 2014
- Hambourg, 2011
- Beograd, 2008
- Marseille, 2006
- Zagreb, 2006
- Sarajevo, 2005
- Antwerpen, 2005
- Amsterdam, 2005
- Geneva, 2005
Andrej Đerković born 1971 in Sarajevo. Graduated from the High School of Applied arts in Sarajevo. Individual exhibitions held in Palestine, Northern Ireland, Montenegro, Canada, Switzerland, Denmark, Italy, Spain, Greece, The Netherlands, Serbia, France, Georgia, Croatia, England, Macedonia, San Marino, Turkey, Slovenia, Belgium, Lebanon, Germany and Bosnia-Herzegovina.
He is one of the founders of the ARS AEVI Museum of Contemporary arts Sarajevo Collection. His works are in collections of Karvasla National Museum of Georgia Tbilisi, ARS AEVI Museum of Contemporary arts Sarajevo, Art Gallery of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Council of Europe Strasbourg, Old Arts Museum Belfast, BM Contemporary Art Centre Istanbul, Jewish Historical Museum Amsterdam, Olympic Museum Sarajevo, Foment de les Arts i del Disseny Barcelona, Centre de la Photographie Genève, National Museum of Montenegro Cetinje, Memoria Centre Potočari Srebrenica, Museum of Yugoslav History Belgrade and others. Member of International Federation of Photographic art (FIAP). Member of Swiss Association of Photographic art (PHOTO SUISSE). Member of Federazione Italiana Associazioni Fotografiche (FIAF). Member of The Association of Applied artists and designers of Bosnia and Herzegovina (ULUPUBIH). Member of Belfast Exposed Photography Community Group.
His photographs and works were published in British Journal of Photography, Le Monde, Liberation, La Stampa, La Repubblica, Liberazione, Belfast Telegraph, Exibart, Marianne, Berner Woche, Le Courrier, La Depeche, Le Dauphine Libere, Le Temps, COTE Magazine, Radikal, Hurriyet, Tages Anzieger, Mladina, Zarez, Feral Tribune, Vijenac, Vjesnik, Pobjeda, Republika, Monitor, Dani, Slobodna Bosna, Odjek, KUN, Gracija, Fantom slobode, etc. His exhibitions and works were shown on CNN, Channel 4, RAI, BBC, CNN Türk, UTV, RTL, HRT, TVE, RTS, France 2, B92, EuroNews, RTV SLO, ARTE, BHT and others.
He photographed Jeff Koons, Marina Abramović, Emmanuelle Beart, David Byrne, Jean-Luc Godard, Isabelle Huppert, Bono Vox, Sinéad O’Connor, Braco Dimitrijević, Catherine Deneuve, Jean-Hugues Anglade, Enki Bilal, Alfonso Cuarón, Rachid Taha, Sebastião Salgado, Yann Arthus-Bertrand, agnès b. and others. He collaborated with Benetton and Swatch. In 2002, he represented Museum ARS AEVI on European Biennale of Visual Arts in La Spezia.
Awarded with ˝Certificate of Appreciation˝ by United States Information Agency (USIA) for the activities on the cultural field during the siege of Sarajevo. On the occasion of 100 years of Swiss Association of Photographic art, he was selected in monograph book “PHOTO SUISSE 1906-2006”. He is included in “Sarajevo Lexicon”. In the frame of the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy, he participated in national project « Passione Italia – Una giornata italiana ». He is one of the selected authors in the platform “Aftermath / Changing Cultural Landscape (Tendencies in post-Yugoslavian contemporary photography 1991-2012)”. Lives in Geneva and Sarajevo.