Bojan Stojčić 2016

Skills: Duplex 2012-2025

«Being Present»

We are glad to present the first exhibition in contemporary art gallery Duplex100m2 of Bojan Stojčić, a young artist born in Sarajevo, Bosna-Herzegovina.

His work is based primarily on interventions in public space (both physical and virtual).Those interventions are primarily textual and almost always demonstrate intimate thoughts and ideas of the artist. Positioned in particular places or set on different objects coming from artist’s living space, all his works carry a message that is provoked with time and space, but also with the artists position within those frames. More than that, some works (realised in different institutions) are politically and socially engaged and use the space itself to bring about these written metaphors.

Works done in studio are mostly text-based paintings, “liberated” from visual manifestations, or drawings that incorporate different narratives; pictorial or textual.
The exhibition will presents a large corpus of his art works uncluding photographies, installation, paintings and drawings.

Among other prizes and recognitions, Bojan Stojčić was a ZVONO award finalist (2014.) and a winner of National drawing competition (2014.) His works are collected by the Deutche Telekom, Digital Art Collection, privates collection in Austria and France.

«Biti Prisutan»

Zadovoljstvo nam je pozvati Vas na izložbu mladog umjetnika Bojana Stojčića, po prvi put u umjetničkoj galeriji Duplex100m2.

Rad Bojana Stojčića prvenstveno se veže na intervencije u javnom prostoru (kako fizičkom, tako i virtualnom). Ove intervencije su tekstualne i gotovo uvijek iskazuju intimna promišljanja i ideje umjetnika. Smješeteni u određene prostore ili na objekte koji čine umjetnikovu svakidašnjicu, radovi nose poruku koja je isprovocirana kako prostorom i vremenom, tako i umjetnikovim položajem unutar tih okvira. Neki radovi (realizirani unutar javnih institucija) politički su i socijalno angažovani,te koriste samu simboliku prostora kao nosioca metafore.

Radovi realizirani u studiju su slike bazirane na riječima, “oslobođene” likovnih manifestacija, odnosno crteži koji uključuje različite narative.

Izložba će predstaviti znatan broj radova uključujući fotografije, instalacije, kao slike i crteže.

Uz ostale nagrade I priznanja, Bojan Stojčić je finalista nagrade ZVONO za najboljeg mladog umjetnika/umjetnicu (2014), kao I dobitnik Nagrade za klasični crtež na Nacionalnom Analu crteža (2014). Njegovi radovi nalaze se u kolekciji Deutche Telecom, Digital Art Collection, kao I u privatnim kolekcijama u Austriji I Francuskoj.Bojan Stojčić (1988) is artist from Bosnia and Herzegovina. He graduated Graphic Design an Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo, and finished his master thesis about drawing in the same institution. His work was shown in multiple national and international exhibitions. Bojan Stojčić was «ZVONO award for young artist» finalist in 2014, and was awarded «Best classical drawing» on the National drawing Biennale of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the same year.

Bojan Stojčić’s work is based primarily on interventions in public space (both physical and virtual). His interventions are primarily textual and almost always demonstrate intimate thoughts and ideas of the artist. Positioned in particular places or set on different objects coming from artist’s living space, all his works carry a message that is clear, sometimes painfully realistic, sarcastic and most of the time funny. More than that, some works (realised in different institutions) are politically and socially engaged and use the space itself to bring about these written metaphors. Works done in studio are mostly text based drawings, or drawings that incorporate different narratives pictorial or textual.