Idoine & Pierre Courtin – « You Should Find a Real Job » – 2020

Idoine & Pierre Courtin - You Should Find a Real Job


Agnès b & Pierre Courtin – « New world order is here, Resist » – 2020

Galeriste à Sarajevo, commissaire d’exposition, artiste, collectionneur, mais aussi iconoclaste et bricoleur, Pierre Courtin se définit comme un acteur de la Scène de l’Art, défenseur des arts contemporains comme autant d’espaces de liberté, d’expérimentations, de rencontres.

Corpus de dessins commencé en 2004 à Sarajevo, les Never ending stories reflètent la folie quotidienne, folie de la guerre, des mouvements sociaux, du consumérisme et du racisme, folie des peuples et des hommes à s’auto-détruire. Ils sont également une manière personnelle d’exorciser la brutalité du monde véhiculé par les mass-médias. Aujourd’hui un grand nombre de ces dessins font partis de la collection personnelle d’agnès b., soutien sans faille de la galerie Duplex100m2 de Sarajevo pendant 10 ans. And still today…


Duplex100m2 & Contemporary art in Bosnia & Herzegovina – 2004/2018

Art Director: Pierre Courtin

Book Designers: Bojan Stojčić & Aleksandra Nina Knežević

Editor: Jon Blackwood

Texts: Dunja Blažević, Jon Blackwood, Sandra Bradvić, Aline Cateux, Elma Hodžić, Tobias Flessenkemper, Christophe Sollioz, Claudia Zini, Irfan Hošić, Kumjana Novakova, Remy Ourdan, Danijela Dugandžić- Živanović, Andreja Dugandžić, Davorka Turk, Adina Žuga, Elvira Jahić, Alexis Argyroglo, Marjorie Glas, Sébastien Roux, Julie Crenn, Emmanuelle Lequeux, Lauren Lydic, Andreas Ribbung, Pontus Raud, Sarah Sajn, Maja Ružnić, Ješa Denegri, Damien Grimbert, Silvija Dervisefendić, Astrid Cury, Ursula Glaeser, Delaine Le Bas, Stéphane Sauzedde, Jelena Petrović, Darija Šimunović, Tijana Okić, Tihomir Milovac

Publisher: Editions Riveneuve 85, rue de Gergovie, 75014 Paris

This book would never have been produced without the successful Kickstarter campaign, the agnès b. endowment fund, the French Embassy in Sarajevo and the dadada organization.

The launch book have been organized at the French Residency in Sarajevo.

Printed by Graficar, Bihac, BiH
Sarajevo, June 2019
ISBN: 978-2-36013-553-0

Sarajevo – l*a*tribu*t de l’art – June 2017 – Published by Riveneuve Editions 

“Sarajevo – l*a*tribu*t de l’art”, edited by Pierre Courtin, Pierre-Philippe Freymond & Christophe Solioz presents a set of 19 exclusive interviews of Sarajevo-based artists belonging to different generations: Edo Numankadic, Nardina Zubanović, Emina Kujundžić, Edin Zubčević, Almir Kurt, Daniel Premec, Nela Hasanbegović, Asim Ðelilović, Gordana Anđelić-Galić, Adela Jušić, Pierre Courtin, Nenad Dizdarević, Danis Tanović, Damir Imamović, Aleksandra Nina Knežević, Mak Hubjer, Paul Lowe, Dante Buu, Andrej Ðerković.

The interviews were realized in Sarajevo by students from the “Collège de Genève” during their “Art Study Trip” which took place end of March 2017 in the framework of the “Philosophy of the City” lecture given by their philosophy professor Christophe Solioz.

This project was done in partnership with the Gallery Duplex 100 m2 (Sarajevo).

This 160 pages art book is published by Riveneuve Editions (Paris) and Duplex 100m2 (Sarajevo) and printed in Sarajevo by Amos Graf.

The layout is done by Aleksandra Nina Knežević.

Introduction to Contemporary Art in BiH – August 2015 – Published by Duplex100m2

Author : Jon Blackwood / Graphik-Design : Maja Zeco

This  will be the first ever book on contemporary art in Bosnia & Herzegovina, in any language.

The book derives from a period of three years of research and participatory observation around the differing art activities in BiH. In a challenging contextual essay, the key drivers of contemporary art in the country are conside

Covert-page,-Jon-Blackwoodred. The main themes discussed are the legacy of the 1992-95 war, the collapse of infrastructure, informality, futavizam, art activism and politics, art and the environment, Yugoslavism, and diaspora.

In addition to fleshing out these broader themes, the book will consider key works of contemporary art in grater detail, in order to open out the complex interplay of these themes in individual works.

Lavishly illustrated, the book will provide a key starting point both for the general and the academic reader, and will stand as a guide to BiH art for many years to come.

About the Author

Jon Blackwood, originally from Glasgow, has an MA and Ph.D in the history of art from the Courtauld Institute, University of London. He is particularly interested in curating contemporary art, contemporary art in times of transition, and the cultural geography of art.

He was active in Sarajevo from 2011-14, curating exhibitions, researching, and writing critical essays for the cultural portal Sarajevo Culture Bureau. Jon now teaches Critical and Contextual Studies at Grays School of Art, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen; he continues to divide his time between Scotland, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Macedonia; his book of interviews Contemporary Macedonian Artists Talking is die to be published in Skopje in 2016.

Idoine & Pierre Courtin – « Entretien avec Pierre Courtin lors de son passage à Paris » – 2015

Magazine Idoine réalisé par Éléonore Pano-Zavaroni et Pascale Riou

Idoine est un magazine d’entretien apériodique. Ce numéro a été réalisé avec le soutien de Échos, un partenariat entre l’École Supérieure d’Art de l’Agglomé- ration d’Annecy (ESAAA) et le Musée d’Art Moderne et Contemporain de Genève (MAMCO) soutenu par l’Union Européenne et produit par l’ESAAA dans le cadre du DSRA – Diplôme Supérieur de Recherche en Art.

Design graphique : Jérémy Glatre – Stalles

Traduction : Émilie McDermott

Duplex10m2 Inventory Book – July 2012 – Published by Duplex10m2

Author : Pierre Courtin & friends / Graphik-Design : Nina Knežević


Open or download Duplex10m2 Exhibitions Inventory 2004-2011 in PDF format.

books111You can contact us for a printed copy.

Book signature at the Flammarion bookstore in Pompidou Museum, invited by Alexis Argyroglo, September 2012.

Vitrine by Nina Knežević