Ibro Hasanović 2013

Skills: Duplex 2012-2018


21/03/2013 – 30/05/2013

Spectre (2012) is a meditation on decay and death; on the ways memory haunts and affects the present. Filmed on the once glamorous symbol of Josip Broz Tito’s Yugoslavia, the Navy Yacht GALEB.

Spectre (2012) est une méditation sur la déliquescence et la mort ou comment la mémoire vient hanter et influencer le présent. Le film a été tourné sur le GALEB, le célèbre yacht de Josip Broz Tito.

Ibro Hasanović (b. 1981) is a Bosnian artist, based in Brussels. Hasanović studied product design at the Sarajevo Academy of Fine Arts and completed his studies in contemporary art and cinema at Le Fresnoy – Studio national des arts contemporains in France. Individual and collective memory are the main topics of his work, made manifest in films, videos, photography and installation art.

His works have been shown at: Turku Art Museum, Finland (2012); 52nd October Salon, Belgrade; Brot Kunsthall, Vienna; Nappe Arsenale, Venice; Thessaloniki Concert Hall (2011); City Museum of Ljubljana (2010), Galleria d’Arte Moderna Palazzo Forti, Verona; Galerija Galženica, Velika Gorica (2009), Washington Project for the Arts (WPA), Washington DC (2008) as well as the Busan Metropolitan Art Museum, South Korea and White Box Gallery, New York (2006).
In April 2013  Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb hosted a screening program dedicated to his short films.

«Spectre», 2012. HD video, colour, 5,1sound, 7:30min. Projections start every 10 minutes.

Film-still «Spectre», 2012. HD video, colour, 5,1sound, 7:30min.

Photography: «No More Heroes», 60x90cm, inkjet print, 2012. Edition of 5+2AP

Missing Plaquettes