Launch book

Skills: Duplex 2012-2025

“Sarajevo – l*a*tribu*t de l’art”, edited by Pierre Courtin, Pierre-Philippe Freymond & Christophe Solioz presents a set of 19 exclusive interviews of Sarajevo-based artists belonging to different generations: Edo Numankadic, Nardina Zubanović, Emina Kujundžić, Edin Zubčević, Almir Kurt, Daniel Premec, Nela Hasanbegović, Asim Ðelilović, Gordana Anđelić-Galić, Adela Jušić, Pierre Courtin, Nenad Dizdarević, Danis Tanović, Damir Imamović, Aleksandra Nina Knežević, Mak Hubjer, Paul Lowe, Dante Buu, Andrej Ðerković.

The interviews were realized in Sarajevo by students from the “Collège de Genève” during their “Art Study Trip” which took place end of March 2017 in the framework of the “Philosophy of the City” lecture given by their philosophy professor Christophe Solioz.

This project was done in partnership with the Gallery Duplex 100 m2 (Sarajevo).

This 160 pages strong art book is published by Riveneuve Editions (Paris) and Duplex 100m2 (Sarajevo) and printed in Sarajevo by Amos Graf. The layout is done by Aleksandra Nina Knežević.