Dante Buu

Skills: Duplex 2012-2025

Dante Buu

Opening: May 5th 2017 – 7pm
Exhibition: May 5th – May 27th 2017

you said,
in the midday light of your boyfriend’s bedroom:
« You are the most beautiful man I have ever kissed. »
(Bring Me His Heart, 2013)

Dante Buu was born in Rožaje, Montenegro. Rooted in intimacy, his work addresses the brutal sociocultural environment and omnipresent alienation in society through a variety of media. Gender roles, identities, sex and stereotypes set by the mechanisms of power are questioned and deconstructed in order to express intimate quests of resistance and subversion and how they extend from private to public and beyond. What is ostensibly beautiful, joyous and accessible is stripped down in Dante Buu’s work to expose its flipside so he can examine its implications and how they affect us both individually and collectively.

Dante Buu, Solo show, exhibition view, May 2017