Kupujmo Domace! Contemporary art from the Balkans – Open until September 29th 2017

Kupujmo domaće!
Contemporary art from the Balkans
August 12th – September 29th, 2017
Opening: August, Saturday 12th from 17 to 23 p.m.
With : Milomir Kovačević, Thomas Nolf, Ziyah Gafić, Radenko Milak, Selma Selman, Jusuf Hadžifejzović, Kosta Kulundzić, Marianne Marić, Louis Jammes, Renata Papista, Taida Jašarević, Nela Hasanbegović, Maja Ruznić, Bojan Stojčić, Enrico Dagnino, Damir Radović, Edo Vejselović, Damir Radović, Aleksandra Lopatić, Radenko Milak & Roman Uranjek, Nina Komel, Ibro Hasanović, Milomir Kovačević, Damir Sagolj, Damir Nikšić, Kasja Jerlagić, Daniel Premec, Thomas Nolf and Gauthier Oushoorn, Nardina Zubanović, Nika Oblak & Primoz Novak, Mak Hubjer, Adela Jušić, Dzenat Dreković, Selma Selman, Hector Morić, Mladen Miljanović, Gordana Anđelić-Galić, Enes Zuljević
After the great success of the first edition last year we are glad to invite you to the new « Kupujmo Domace » collective exhibition which is going to be open everyday during the Sarajevo Film Festival.
« Kupujmo Domace » focusing on contemporary art from the Balkans will be on display at the Duplex100m2 gallery from August 12 and will be open until September 29, 2017.
« Kupujmo domaće » will consist of a cabinet of more than 100 artworks that will include paintings, drawings, digital prints, sculptures, photography and serigraphy.
The aim of the exhibition is to present some of the best contemporary artworks from the Balkan region to the local and international audience and to promote the development of an art market in the region. It will be the perfect occasion for visitors to start their collection; the public will have the opportunity to discover new artists and their works, buy them and take them home.
« Kupujmo domaće » is intended for young as well as established collectors who will be able to find affordable artworks produced by young artists, together with some masterpieces from older generations. Collecting an art piece for the first time is an exciting and rather addictive experience – no matter what people are interested in or how big their budget is. We strongly believe that artworks in intimate living spaces can change people’s environment and life.
It is never too early or too late to become a collector!
Opened in 2004 by French gallerist and curator Pierre Courtin, Duplex100m2 has been working tirelessly to become the leading contemporary art space in the region, with a big collection of artworks from established and young artists from Bosnia-Herzegovina. Through art and creativity, the gallery supports dialogues and exchanges between local and international artists, propagating culture as an engine of social involvement and sustainable development. Duplex100m2 firmly believes that creativity is one of the strongest forces of today so it supports the creation of contemporary art in Bosnia and Herzegovina and enables you to enjoy it.
Claudia Zini & Pierre Courtin, Sarajevo August 5th 2017
Kupujmo domaće!
Contemporary art from the Balkans
Nakon velikog uspjeha prošle godine, drago nam je pozvati vas na drugu kolektivnu izložbu « Kupujmo domaće » koja će biti otvorena svaki dan tokom Sarajevo Film Festivala.
Nakon velikog uspjeha prošle godine, drago nam je pozvati vas na drugu kolektivnu izložbu « Kupujmo domaće » koja će biti otvorena svaki dan tokom Sarajevo Film Festivala.
Izložba će trajati od 12.08. do 29.09.2017. a njen fokus je savremena balkanska umjetnost – bit će biti predstavljeno više od 100 djela u različitim medijima, uključujući slikarstvo, crtež, fotografiju, digitalni i sitotisak.
Cilj izložbe je da se djela domaćih umjetnika predstave široj javnosti i internacionalnim posjetiocima i time potakne razvoj umjetničkog tržišta u regiji. Ovom prilikom svako može započeti svoju zbirku bh. umjetnosti.
Izložba « Kupujmo domaće » je za mlade i stare kolekcionare; ovdje će naći djela mlađih umjetnika, kao i neka remek-djela starijih generacija. Kupovina prvog rada za kolekciju je uzbudljiva bez obzira na polje, medij i budžet. Unošenje umjetnosti u intimni životni prostor može drastično promijeniti ambijent, a time i život. Nikad nije ni prekasno ni prerano da se postane kolekcionar!
Galeriju Duplex100m2 je 2004. otvorio francuski galerista i kustos Pierre Courtin. Zahvaljujući neumornom radu ona polako postaje vodeći izlagački prostor za savremenu umjetnost u regiji. Galerija ima veliku kolekciju radova mlađih i starijih bh. umjetnika, te podržava kreativni dijalog između domaćih i međunarodnih umjetnika. Kreativnost je jedna od najsnažnijih sila današnjice. Umjetnost je oruđe za razvoj kulture i pokretač društva, a u regiji je skoro pa potpuno zanemarena. Predstojeća izložba u galeriji Duplex100m2 je jedan od načina da se zaštiti i podrži domaće stvaralaštvo.