Kupujmo domaće! – July 8th 2016

Kupujmo domaće!
Selected contemporary Bosnian artworks
Sarajevo, July 8 – August 27 2016
Opening: Friday, July 8th 2016 at 7pm
A collective exhibition of contemporary Bosnian art will be on display at the Duplex100m2 gallery from July 8-August 31, 2016. Kupujmo domaće! will consist of a cabinet of more than 80 artworks that will include paintings, drawings, digital prints, photography and serigraphy.
The aim of the exhibition is to present some of the best contemporary Bosnian artworks to the local and international audience and to promote the development of an art market in the region. It will be the perfect occasion for visitors to start their own collection of Bosnian art; the public will have in fact the opportunity to discover a piece of work, buy it and take it home. Kupujmo domaće! is intended for young as well as established collectors who will be able to find affordable artworks produced by young artists, together with some masterpieces from older generations. Collecting an art piece for the first time is an exciting and rather addictive experience – no matter what people are interested in or how big their budget is. We strongly believe that artworks in intimate living spaces can change people’s environment and life. It is never too early or too late to become a collector!
Opened in 2004 by French gallerist and curator Pierre Courtin, Duplex100m2 has been working tirelessly to become the leading contemporary art space in the region, with a big collection of artworks from established and young artists from Bosnia-Herzegovina. Through art and creativity, the gallery supports dialogues and exchanges between local and international artists, propagating culture as an engine of social involvement and sustainable development. Duplex100m2 strongly believes that creativity is one of the strongest forces of today so it supports the creation of contemporary art in Bosnia and Herzegovina and enables you to enjoy it.
Claudia Zini & Pierre Courtin, Sarajevo June 15th 2016
“Without culture we have even less”. I had to think about these words, visiting Sarajevo a few weeks ago. Meeting and speaking with artists, art institutions and cultural workers in Sarajevo, I am now convinced: with culture, old and new, we can achieve more and better! However, just like everywhere else, Sarajevo needs to invent new organizational and financial models in order to ‘make’ culture work for today and tomorrow. What Duplex has been and is doing is a perfect example!» Chris Dercon, former director of Tate Modern, London
Kolektivna izložba savremene bh. umjetnosti pod nazivom Kupujmo domaće! će biti otvorena 08.07. u galeriji Duplex100m2 i trajat će do 31.08.2016.
Na izložbi će biti predstavljeno više od osamdeset djela u različitim medijima, uključujući slikarstvo, crtež, fotografiju, digitalni i sitotisak.
Cilj izložbe je da se djela domaćih umjetnika predstave široj javnosti i internacionalnim posjetiocima i time potakne razvoj umjetničkog tržišta u regiji.
Ovom prilikom svako može započeti svoju zbirku bh. umjetnosti. Izložba Kupujmo domaće! je za mlade i stare kolekcionare; ovdje će naći djela mlađih umjetnika, kao i neka remek-djela starijih generacija. Kupovina prvog rada za kolekciju je uzbudljiva bez obzira na polje, medij i budžet. Unošenje umjetnosti u intimni životni prostor može drastično promijeniti ambijent, a time i život. Nikad nije ni prekasno ni prerano da se postane kolekcionar!
Galeriju Duplex100m2 je 2004. otvorio francuski umjetnik Pierre Courtin. Zahvaljujući neumornom radu ona polako postaje vodeći izlagački prostor za savremenu umjetnost u regiji. Galerija ima veliku kolekciju radova mlađih i starijih bh. umjetnika, te podržava kreativni dijalog između domaćih i međunarodnih umjetnika.
Kreativnost je jedna od najsnažnijih sila današnjice. Umjetnost je oruđe za razvoj kulture i pokretač društva, a u regiji je skoro pa potpuno zanemarena. Predstojeća izložba u galeriji Duplex100m2 je jedan od načina da se zaštiti i podrži domaće stvaralaštvo.