Igor Bošnjak

BALKANICATION - as a word which have stupid, false, wrong or unpropriate meaning.

Balkanication is exhibition concept that connects some kind of litterature, history or art event that were happened or which are related to nowadays concept of reading and understanding of near or deep past of Bosnia & Herzegovina region, or we can understand it as a wider region of Balkan. All works problematize relations of history repeating, history conducting, history “using” and history re-meaning in the context of XX century, also as nowadays. My beginning position in this concept is position of famous ex-Yugoslav writer Danilo Kis. Kis understand history of Balkan or ex-Yugoslavia as an “open source” history repeating, and all his affraids there, were based on a basic human emotions: fear, fear from differences. Nationalism as a main collective fear, affects all his thinking, literature and all his books at all. One of works here, is dedicated to Danilo Kis or related to famous book of Kis: “A tomb for Boris Davidovich”. Balkanication concept is trying to understand and explain nationalism, as some basic human collective and individual fear, but in way to suggest that all people and every human being and all victims in war are equal, tragical and lost forever, no matter on which side they were. All humans which are died or killed or executed in past wars on Balkans are victims of some individual interest, in fact they are not victims of “ideology” or “religion” as we forced to listen in propaganda and media last twenty year, because we live in the age of post ideology and post religion. In the light of this kind of political misunderstands of problems, people are forced by their leaders to “believe” there are a lot differences between them. But in the end, all lost and killed are equal. My main fear - fear of non educated individuals or “poor” people - we can call it nationalism or perverted state of patriotism, also can communicate with public in a way of to force them to think twice. Balkanication is kind of virtual heterotopia which will try communicate with individuals, not with collective. But humans, mass collective here, more like to use language of “Balkanication” rather than communication.

Some works related to Balkanication concept:

A House / graffito / postcards (homage to Vlado Martek House from 1997) / 2010 / Web Project

The Anatomy Lesson / 2010 / Interdisciplinary Project // animation / print / fake morphing / text

BHS / 2010 / video

Contemporary Cemeteries / 2010 / video

AV // 2010 / animation / idea (not realisation)

Lost Memory Object / 2009 / object + video installation

Spam Art Project / cyber art - performance

A tomb for Boris Davidovich / 2009 / land art





